Monday, January 24, 2011

the long-time-no-post post

My last post was almost two years ago. That seems a little crazy. Facebook, what have you done to me?

Let's see, my last post was about this awesome, amazing, wonderful job that had just landed in my lap. And it was, until it wasn't.

On to better news. Kcprogrammer and I got married and bought a house and adopted two cats and have made a nice little life for ourselves. Overall, life is good, and maybe that's why I don't post anymore. This blog was created out of my frustration, at a time when I felt very stuck in my job and in my life.

The only time in the last two years that I seriously began to think about picking it back up again was when I was laid off. But, even then, I was so busy finding a new job that I never had time to wax on in blog posts about how devastating the experience of being laid off and being unemployed truly is. Part of me wishes that I had capture my thoughts and feelings during such a tumultuous time. And part of me is glad that I didn't allow myself the time to dwell on my situation.

So, this could possibly be my last post ever -- or maybe not. I just know that I don't want there to be a chance of this blog's last post to about a job. I'm learning -- slowly learning -- that I am more than my job title. So, who am I? I'm creative. I'm loving. I'm caring. I'm strong. Most important, I'm content.

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