Monday, February 14, 2005

the lonely hearts club

Yesterday at my grandma's:

Mom: So, have any plans for Valentine's Day?

Me: Oh, thanks for asking your ever-single daughter about her plans for a lover's holiday. I think I'll just go to some dive of a bar and do whatever guy happens to try to pick me up. I probably won't even know his name—OK maybe I'll find out his first name so that I can scream it while he's going down on me. (Since we all know I would never in a bazillion years do such things nor would I say such things to my mother, here's what actually happened: I rolled my eyes, "Mooom, thanks sooo much for asking and pointing out my singleness... I'm going to have dinner with friends.)

A minute later my dad changed topics: So, how's work?

Thankfully, my grandma did not bring up her desire for great-grandbabies.

If they could just stay off the topics of my love life and work, I'd spend more than just Sundays with them.

So tonight's the third annual Valentine's Day Dinner of The Lonely Hearts Club. (Really, Big-Bold-D, when you chose the name, did you have pick one that make us sound so pitiful?) We'll be a nice gathering of good friends, good food (remember to salt the potatoes this time), and good fun.

I feel like I need to make some deep statement about love or about contentment with sinlgehood or something that the commercialization of a holiday.

Here it is: I'm trying to send an e-birthday card and Hallmark's Web site is out of commission. Hallmark, you made this holiday what it is. Fix your mess, and let me send my birthday card.

Oh, I have another: The day feels a little sad when the only Valentine you get is from your grandma. I sometimes wish I were back in elementary school. Everyone got a Valentine from everyone. I could be the biggest loser and still feel the love.


YellowDancer21 said...

Honestly, the fact that it's Valentine's Day does absolutely nothing for me. It used to bother me, but not anymore. Does that mean I'm going to be forever single since I just don't care? I find I don't even care if that's the case. Hmm. . .

But as far as exchanging Valentines, I have one for you and just about everyone else and I kept forgetting to give them to people because I just assumed I would see most people at the lonely hearts dinner. Unfotunately, there's a KU game tonight, so I can't come to the dinner! But maybe I can drop the Valentines off before the game starts? I'll give you a call.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what's up with all the self-help books you have on your Wish List? Part of a New Year's resolution, goals for work, or just special interest?


theCallowQueen said...

That would be the influence of my boss. She's big into self-help, and, I think, believes all of our problems would be magically solved if I was feeding out of the self-help pot too.

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