Friday, June 25, 2004

just trust me

Yesterday afternoon...
"I immediately knew it was you," said one of my co-workers. My face turned bright red in front of him and my soon-to-be ex-boss.
Is my personality that well known for being that brash?

Earlier that morning...
"I don't trust you," I said looking straight into the eyes of the CEO of our company.
You can imagine the heaviness of the silence that followed.

This was the first time our group had met the CEO. He was meeting with the minions in the morning and the managers in the afternoon.
He had asked me, "Who are your co-workers."
"You want me to say everyone in the corporation," I replied. My tone indicated that I felt otherwise. I explained that the people outside of our little office were unfamiliar to us. Before the acquisition, our former owner left us alone. We had to rely on each other. We trust each other. We are all committed and focused on the same goal. But I don't know--and therefore can't trust--the people in the other offices in our new company.

Mr. CEO looked straight at me, "Do you trust me?"
"I don't know you," I replied.
"But I'm the head of this company. I’m in charge. Do you trust me?"
"I don't know." I knew that I was cornered. If I said yes, he'd ask me why.
"Do you trust me?"
"No, I don't trust you."

This is craziness. I’m crazy, certifiable crazy.

"I don't know you. Why should I trust you?" he asked.
Shit. Another trap.
"Yes because you acquired us for a reason. You can look at the work we do, the effort we put into it," I replied and then added, "I didn't say that I shouldn't trust you. I just don't yet."

His point: We have to push beyond our insulated little group. We have to reach out to our new co-workers. He’s right. I never disagreed with what we should be able to do. We just don't yet.

Later, he returned to me.
"Your instinct not to trust me right away were good," he said. Did the floor just drop from under my feet? He went on, "It shows how much you care about your product, that you don't want anything or anyone to come in and hurt your work."

Whew! Saved by the fact that this man seems to be as crazy as me.

Today's tie-in quote comes from the first season of Gilmore Girls:
Luke: "You look like you need pie."
Rory: "I do?"
Luke: "Violent pencil tossing usually signals the need for pie."
Rory: "What if I'd thrown a pen?"
Luke: "I would've brought you a trout."

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