Tuesday, November 16, 2004

damnit don

Yesterday, I sent an e-mail to Roger, a long-time advisory board member. This morning, I received a reply. That began off topic:
Side note: I spoke to Don --- last night. He said that as long as there was Spring I would make it if I continued writing. I think that is one of the greatest compliments a person can receive and wanted you to know that I feel the same way. As you know Don has been my friend for many years and the one who has ‘pushed’ me to write for ----- more than anyone. AND for him to hold you at that level of esteem warms my heart.
So my eyes are getting a bit blurry at this point. And my vision worsens as I try to write a response. Then my boss comes out of a meeting and forwards me a message she'd received from Roger. It ended like this:
We discussed the back page. I told him I would think about it if we couldn’t find someone who had a more ‘refined’ sense of sarcasm than I do—he liked that. He suggested we have Spring ghost write the back page—I thought you might pass that on to Spring—What a compliment.
On to the full waterworks.

I'm deeply touched. As an editor my job is to be invisible to the reader. It sometimes makes me feel small. And Don is one of the famous elite in the veterinary profession. He's their practice management guru. For me to have even hit his radar—I'm profoundly touched.

My boss said that they've had to put folding chairs in Don's room for all the people coming to visit him. He says that he's been able to get more done in a week than he had been able to in 30 years. Nobody disagrees with a dying man. That's so Don. Refusing treatment, but continuing do as much work and living as he can possibly fit in.

I'm honored, and I'm sad.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Spring! How great to get such positive comments.

Thank you for the "get well" message. Actually, I'm not feeling better, and I almost didn't come into work today. I came in though because I have a shift at the front desk (my shifts are usually on Tuesdays, but our receptionist is out of town through tomorrow, and shift are all out of whack... anyway...) and it just creates chaos and bad attitudes when somebody doesn't show for their shift. So I was having an oke time up there for two hours, even was complimented with "angel" from a very appreciative lady for finding a phone number, then the last call I got, not fifteen minutes ago, was some insulting shrew. Even after I gave her the number she needed to call to get the information she wanted, she insulted me and my company for not having the info ourselves, just because her Chamber in Chicago is "better". I'm very annoyed. Anyway, sorry, thank you for letting me rant, I think I'll go rant on my blog now. Bye!


theCallowQueen said...

In with the good. Out with the bad.
Why is that so hard to do?
I got a harassing call last week that's still eating at me.

Anonymous said...

Okay this is going to seem completely pshyo BUT just hear me out! Okay. I have a weblog (Mind Diversion) and I have gotten together (along with another girl that writes on my site - Jessica) and with other bloggers at other sites and we are playing a little game called The Apprentice. We are getting down to the wire and our challenge now is to get people to come to your blog and leave a comment on your post that says "Greetings from {insert where you live here}" or "Hello from {insert where you live here}". You don't have to give details. You can leave it as just the country you are from, etc. The only thing is you only need to do it once and you will do it on two different post. One is done by me (Tiff) and the title is "Greetings From..." and one from Jessica whose title starts with "Hello..." I know this may seem psycho but check it out and you will see it is pretty normal. Okay you may be thinking...well how did she find me? Well I am just "blog hopping" and I am ONLY leaving this message at peoples site that I believe seem cool enough not to do anything stupid or start spamming me! Thank you for your consideration in advance! ;)


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