Monday, August 07, 2006

i want candy

It was one thing for my roomie to go on a super health kick. She's eating all this low-cal stuff, which I'm cool with (I like having good snack options), and going to the gym every freakin' day, which makes me feel a bit lazy and tired. But then last week, kcprogrammer kicked exercise and health eating into high gear as well.

The overall end result I'm good with. I don't eat out as much. I eat healthier foods. I'm motivated to go to the gym a bit more often so I don't feel like such a slug.

The problem: There's a sever lack of chocolate in my life. Yes, I could go to the store and buy candy bars to eat. But that requires, um, effort.

See, I'm not the grocery shopper in my household. My roomie may give me instructions to pick up and item or two on rare occasions, but she's the buyer. (This is due partly to my avoidance of the task, her preferred shopping time on the way home from work, and the fact that I don't think she trusts me to make the most cost-effective choices.)

And now no candy or dessert with kcprogrammer either. If he's going to indulge, he tends more towards pizza or BBQ than chocolate and ice cream.

The other day at the store (yes, I have been known to go into stores), I looked at the fat and calories in my favorite candy bars. The facts weren't good, I know, no surprise. But I was hoping that one, just one, of my preferred sweets might somehow slip into the not outrageous category. For more sad news, see CNN's Nutrition Comparison of Sweets.

In the words of my doctor, "If it tastes good, spit it out."


Anonymous said...

If you eat just one of any of the sweets it's not so bad--it's just when you eat 3 krispy kremes that it gets bad@

I am actually not a sweets person myself (although I do expect cake at birthdays, weddings and graduations and get VERY cranky if it is not available). About once a month I need half a chocolate bar and the rest of the time I think I'm with kcprogrammer-- I really just want pizza, french fries, or massive piles of pasta.

It's funny how badly my boy and I eat since there is never junk food in the house. Or for that matter how little we drink with all the booze in the house:)

YellowDancer21 said...

I can totally relate. We were just having this conversation at work the other day about how there was entirely too little chocolate in our office. Tami fixed that today when she brought back chocolate from California.
But, I can also relate to kcprogrammer with the salty junk foods. I love switching back and forth between the salty and sweet. It's oh so satisfying.

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