Wednesday, August 02, 2006


So that headache from Monday worsened. And the meds I was given to relieve the headache (since I'm not supposed to take ibuprofen any longer and Tylenol does nothing for me) turned out to be nothing but trouble, intensifying my upset stomach. A trip to the porcelain god was required before calling it quits for the day.

I went home still hoping to take a nap and then finish my day's work. That didn't happen. The throbbing continued in my head and the nausea came like waves. Thank you, to my very attentive roomie. I'm very lucky to have you.

I did feel well enough to venture back to work at 6a.m. to work for a few hours without the noise of co-workers or the glaring lights. I didn't accomplish as much as my managing editor would have liked. But she was, understandably stressed. My illness left her alone on the editorial staff to tackle two magazine deadlines and the day's ration of newsletters. I felt bad, but I would have felt even worse if I had stayed. I simply could not look at my computer screen for an instant longer.

My boss, who has less to do with production and didn't know of the stress my managing editor was under, was surprised and impressed with my dedication. He even asked me if he could get me anything from downstairs. (OK, most of you would not be impressed by this, but if you knew what a reclusive type my boss is, you'd be impressed.)

I went home a bit after 9a.m. to spend a second day nursing my headache. I tried to nap. I grew restless. And then last night, I couldn't sleep at all. I tossed and turned and woke a bit grumpy and with aches in my back.

So, after two days of resting to nurse a headache, I'm more tired than when I began.

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