Tuesday, April 24, 2007

time change

In Vegas, my body was on Kansas City time. Now, back in KC, I'm on Vegas time. Sigh. Sleep, when will you become my friend?

On another time note, I'm ahead at work. I know now why I'm such a procrastinator. Being prepared and ahead of things is simply boring.

One of my co-workers has the chance to go to a conference in Korea (South Korea, of course). While I'm jealous as all heck, it would be a great opportunity for her to see a different part of the world. She hasn't been out of the US since she was a kid. The world is an amazing place. I've been lucky to have trekked through a bit of it here and there. I can play nice and be happy for her opportunity. But I'm totally calling dibs on the next work trip out of the US...

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