Monday, November 26, 2007

a little schadenfreude

A long time ago at a place far, far away, the woman I worked for determined I wasn't a good fit for her team, and she said things that made me think I was horrible at my job, and worse, that I was an all-around failure as a person.

As time passed, I realized that the real issue had nothing to do with my abilities--which are pretty darn good--or with me as a person. I didn't fit her mold. She couldn't control me. I wouldn't be her drone. So she pushed me out. It was as simple as that. Still, the period was a painful one in my life.

Then today I heard a story of this woman trying similar tactics on a good friend of mine. I was surprised. Why try to push out someone who is so talented?

Then the little bit of schadenfreude kicked in. I feel bad my friend went through this, but it gave me a twinge of happiness, too. While I don't doubt that others believed me that the situation was bad, I doubt that they fully believed me that what was said to me was really as bad as I reported. So having another person report being dragged through a similar experience provides me with a bit of vindication.

A job is a job. A life is a life. I may not love my job, but can I still love my life?


Princess of the Universe said...

Jobs come and's your life and attitude towards it that has to make you happy.

Anonymous said...

I've had some super crazy bosses, so I believed you!

Basically what I've gotten out of my MBA courses is exactly why my one truly horrible boss was so awful!

We'll have to discuss at our next happy hour (which hopefully you'll be feeling up to this time:) )--AT

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