Monday, December 06, 2004

my early christmas present

It was waiting for me in my chair at work this morning—a signed copy of one of my co-worker's new book, A Murder of Taste.
To my favorite all-time reviewer!
Happy Holidays—Sally
It seems she found the review I gave of her book on a Web site for her last book. A Murder of Taste is her second Queen Bees Quilt Mystery. The first, Murders on Elderberry Road, provided me with the homey feel of Lawrence, Kan., during a slightly homesick day in Singapore.

I loved that book, and I'm itching to read this one. (Yes, Jack, I'll finish the Fortress in the Eye of Time first.)

A Murder of Taste
A Queen Bees Quilt Mystery
by Sally Goldenbaum
Kansas City Star Books, 2004
It had to be resolved, to stop before it started. Right now. Tonight. Or a whole, careful life would be ruined, snuffed out in a single second. Everything lost. And for what? A whim, a faulty anger. A foolish indiscretion?
(I plugged her son's album release on my blog, I thought it only appropriate to give the same attention to her book.)

1 comment:

theCallowQueen said...

Just a note: Sally's having a book signing this Saturday at the Kansas City Store in the Prairie Village Shopping Center. A signed book makes for a great stocking stuffer!

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