Thursday, October 14, 2004

american tv

Text message from a friend:
Oh my god. They r showin the fifth wheel on national tv. Never thought I would see tt show again after leavin us. – mayb I will have hope for tradin spaces.
The Fifth Wheel? Good grief, that crap couldn’t get a legitimate time spot on a network in the United States and that’s the show the suits who control Singaporean TV chose to bring over. Sigh.


Anonymous said...

Hi From Florida!!

(I'm bored in class.)

theCallowQueen said...

I almost didn't realize it was you.
I, for a moment, saw a college student setting in some mind-numbing lecture in a classroom with those fancy laptop hookups. And I thought, jeez, they must be bored to respond to a random person's blog…

How's Florida treatin' you?
We miss you!
(A girlfriend of ours sped-watched 13 episodes of Alias in three days. She's sick, and your behind. (So am I, so we can watch the second season together. And I'm sure she won't mind the chance to rewatch, too.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, that was me. Hmm... forgot about the whole anonymous thing. From now on I'll post with a little:


:then you'll know it's me.



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