Monday, October 25, 2004

crystal ball

I finally stepped outside of my petty problems. I immersed myself in my roommate's sister's wedding (with a little cookie baking on the side).

I've been trying to force my future. I've been trying to predict what lies ahead.

And as I watched two loving parents walk their young daughter down the aisle, I was reminded of how uncertain the future remains. Will they make it? Will they beat the odds against them? I hope so.

Then, this morning, my lizzy lou sent me a picture that brought my thoughts together nicely.

If you believe that your destiny is decided, then most likely, it's decided. If you believe that nothing is decided, then most likely, nothing is decided. —Yoko, xxxHolic


Anonymous said...

That picture/quote does fit nicely, doesn't it. (She kicks @$$.)

Anonymous said...

btw, I keep forgetting to post my sig. That was me who commented earlier.


theCallowQueen said...

Yeah, she does kick @ss ;)

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