Tuesday, May 03, 2005

hack, cough, hack, ick

The woman in the cubicle catty-corner to me has perma-cough. My first day at work, I simply thought she had a cold. But I'm on my fourth week here and she's still hacking away. I cringe each time. She coughs a dry want-to-be-phlegm cough once or twice every minute. She clears her throat and starts again.

It sounds painful.
Sometimes it's so bad I want to jump up, run over, and ask if I could get her some water.
Sometimes it's so bad I want to run from this cubicle screaming.

I can't work in these conditions. I'd feel OK complaining about the guy who talks loudly on the phone all the time. Hey, I used to be that person at my old job. I'm fine with complaining about that. But, how would one complain about the noise created from a probably chronic health problem? I just can't do that.

So I try to push my little ear-bud headphones deeper into my ear canals. I turn up the music a little louder. And I try in vain to concentrate on my editing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How strange that you and I both have a chronic cougher. I like the lady across the hall from me and it makes me sad that she sometimes has to take off work, 'cause she's in such bad shape. I dunno what she has, but it's obviously not fun.


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