Wednesday, May 18, 2005

yesterday's evening

Life’s good. Nancy’s here, how could I not be happy? I caught up with her and her boyfriend down at the Plaza. We walked around, her arm linked in mine. I’ve missed that.

Then my roomie and the G-man met us for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. The food was good, the cheesecake even better. Portion control in the United States is out of control. But I never realized how much until last night. Three of us split the meatloaf, and we were all stuffed. I had a third of a meal and was full enough to hesitate to eat cheesecake. There’s something wrong there (with the portion size, not the cheesecake).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shouldn't her arm be linked around her boyfriend. J/K! Love the comradery!

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