Thursday, February 09, 2006

flower points, part two

The Rose Next to a Rose
Originally uploaded by theCallowQueen.
I am so impressed with one of my male friends right now. He is contemplating sending flowers to a girl at her office for Valentine's Day. His actual plans for implementation needed a bit of refinement, and thankfully he ran his idea past a few females before he acted.

I don't mean to sound harsh on men here. I simply mean that you boys can be awfully clueless as to how to impress a girl. And we girls are simply clueless as to how you cannot understand what is so innately obvious to us. It's just a confusing cycle of confusion.

(If you're trying to remember what the original "flower points" post was about, you can read it here. And if you want to see some of the pretty roses my boyfriend has picked out for me, you can see them all here. Yeah, I made them into a slideshow. I'm a dork. And I have another set of roses to add to that bunch.)

Anyway, so my friend has the germ of a brilliant idea. This is something I'd been thinking about, actually. With the expectation of roses on Valentine's Day, how is a guy to separate himself from the pack? How can he impress his girl without having to shell out the big bucks at a jewelry store? (Not to mention the monumental task of trying to pick out something at said store.) The answer: Add a little twist to the expected. Instead of giving her the roses that night when you see her, why not have the roses at her work that morning?

One of my good friends and a former co-worker gets roses from her husband every year delivered to her at work. She beams. It's their special thing. And what's even better, it's their special thing that she gets to show off. The expensive show-off route is, of course, found at that jewelry store. The items there are what roses are not: portable--and sparkly. Anyway, back to the beaming and the placement of the roses at work instead of the dining room table. The women all ohh and ahh and comment on how thoughtful her husband is and she gets to reply with praises about how sweet and good to her he is--and so you don't go into sugar shock from all this sweetness, I'll stop here.

So when I was listening to my 53rd commercial on the radio enticing men to such-and-such store for their Valentine's Day roses, I pictured the mad rush. The swarm of men all after the same thing, each thinking that he must give his woman roses in order to not look like a schmuck. And that's when I thought about my friend who gets flowers at work and how other guys could earn points with that. Then I thought of posting these thoughts on my blog.

I didn't at the time because I didn't want this post to imply that this is what I personally wanted or, more important, expected to receive this Feb. 14. (Although I'm also not saying that it isn't what I personally want. Considering this is my first Valentine's Day where I'll have a real valentine, I could go crazy with hyped up demands and expectations. But that just wouldn't be fair to the poor boy, now would it?) Then a week later that guy friend of mine actually thought of the idea himself, and the brilliance of it came back to me. And I had to post--rambling though it may be today.

The whole rose thing really is a bit out of hand. My roomie would say to skip the roses and give her daisies. (And I really wish that her boyfriend would read this and get the hint. Sadly, I don't think he reads this blog, and he's already been practically bludgeoned with hints.) And I, of course, am annoyed by the consumer obsession but at the same time want what everyone else has--if not more. So, going with that all I really want is an evening alone with my boyfriend where I can simply enjoy his company, but if there happened to be bells and whistles, I wouldn't shut my eyes or cover my ears.

But I'm getting away from my point: Girls like getting surprise presents delivered to them at work where they can show them (and you by extension) off to their co-workers. In fact, this works even better on non-Valentine's Day days.


Anonymous said...

Every man should send flowers to a woman's work as opposed to delivering them in person. Making other women jealous is half the delight.

Some women get way to wrapped up in flowers. A few years ago my father sent my mother a half dozen roses. Another woman in her office was also sent flowers by her husband or boyfriend. The other woman was horribly upset because her flowers were all white and she thought her boyfriend had sent various shades of pink/red. As chance would have it my mothers flowers were colored (and on the few occassions before when my father had sent flowers they were always white.) My mother being the sensible person she is said the florist probably just got confused and switched the cards. The woman was still terribly upset, but went ahead and switched flowers with my mom. I think she was minorly pacified.

Now this woman was a little crazy in my opinion. While I too would prefer pink to white roses, it seems a very nice gesture either way.--at

Sideways Chica said...

Excellent advice. The element of surprise adds that little extra something.

Be well and take care. Happy V-day also.

Ciao chica...

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