Monday, August 08, 2005

it's not a tumor?

The oral surgeon just called.

My first thoughts: Why would Dr. Green call me if everything was OK? Wouldn't he just have a secretary or nurse do it? It was just a little white bump. Nothing, he said it was most likely nothing. So why am I talking to him?

Apparently, I was talking to him because he and his staff are just friendly folks. It was just a little white, cancerless bump. (I do a happy dance.)

Did I mention Dr. Green is also young and pleasant to look at? Sigh.

This entry's title, of course, came from the movie Kindergarten Cop.
Detective John Kimble: I Have a headache.
Lowell: It might be a tumor.
Detective John Kimble: It's not a tumor!

On a sad cancer note: Peter Jennings, the longtime anchor of World News Tonight died over the weekend from lung cancer. He is one of the more than 160,000 Americans who will die this year from the disease. Most lung cancers (87 percent) are smoking related. Jennings quit smoking 20 years ago (though he admitted to a relapse after the Sept. 11 attacks). So don't smoke kids, OK?


YellowDancer21 said...

Yay! I'm happy to hear it was nothing bad!

But, I just saw an article on the kansas city star's website (I was looking for info on a car wreck yesterday) and I saw this: Primedia sells OP operation for $385 million. Did you know about this?

My dad's company was in another article. Apparently his company has been bought by the company he previously worked for!

theCallowQueen said...

Yes, it's true. We've been sold. It was my second day here when it was announced that there were some groups who might like to buy the company.

Everyone was freaking out a bit. But I'd just come from a company that was sold, so I'm not really worried.

In the conference call this morning they basically said, this is great, we're great, you're great, and bye.

Great. Thanks for all that info.

The truth is that somewhere down the line some people will lose their jobs. They want to keep us happy and pacified, so they're not saying that. But my crystal ball says that it will happen.

My guess is the editorial jobs are safe. They don't know what goes into producing a magazine, but they do know what goes into the financials. The jobs I foresee being on the cutting block: payroll, HR, IT, and finance.

About your dad: Was this a company he'd left? That's really funny. Corporate America is just crazy. Crazy about money. Crazy about buying. Crazy about selling. Crazy.

YellowDancer21 said...

Dad works at LabOne, but I guess it will be back to QuestDiagnostics before long. It sucks because Quest sucked. Oh well...

Anonymous said...

LabOne and Quest are merging, eh? Quest is huge! I've had to look through tons of Quest lab certificates all week. Boo auditing! My company has been buying lots of little companies since we went public last September. AT

Big-Bold-D said...

Geez, smoking is bad? And here, I'd finally gotten around to buying a pack so I could get started. Oh, well, no sense letting these go to waste, I'll just finish 'em off real quick so I'll be done...(stupid joke)... and congratulations on being certified cancer-free! Yay!!!

Anonymous said...

On the last note that 160,000 ppl will die of lung cancer this year: Everyone would usually die of some disease. So if you don't get lung cancer, it would be something else....
So statistically speaking there would alwasy be a top killer, a second top killer etc. It would always be there.
Of course unless everyone dies in their sleep of unknown cause of course....

theCallowQueen said...

In response to anonymous: Yes, we will all die from something. But, consider, the majority of people who get lung cancer get it because they smoked or were around people who smoked. If you remove the smoking, you remove the majority of lung cancer patients. You give them all the opportunity to die from something else later in life.

I know I'd prefer to get hit by a bus when I'm 65 rather than hack up my lung for a year and die when I'm only 30.

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