Monday, December 12, 2005

merry presents day

So this weekend I went with the girls to Pier 1 Import's outlet center in Independence. I bought a lot of stuff really cheap, which is good. I came home with three bulging bags that I plopped down on my bed.

I looked around my bedroom and felt overwhelmed. Stuff. Ugh. So much stuff. And these three bags do nothing but add to it. Sure, most of the items I bought at Pier 1 are giftable. But as I put them away in my now overflowing gift box, I was wondering if it was possible not to have a life that is stuff-centered.

Yesterday, I went through my closet and cleaned out a drawer. I threw out a bag-full of stuff. Three bags in. One bag out. I'm not exactly winning the battle here.

Maybe it's the holidays that is magnifying my frustration. I hate the perversion of Christmas into Present day. The weeks between Thanksgiving and Present Day are Crazy Shopping Season. Yet, I do it. Over lunch I'll probably be over at Micro Center trying to find the perfect present for my dad.

December is a busy month. There are social gatherings, sure. But it feels like to much time is spent shopping for others instead of being with others.

That's it. Next year, I'm crocheting scarves for all of you. Merry Present Day.


YellowDancer21 said...

I hate the "give me presents" attitude as well. I couldn't care less about the presents. I just want the people. Though it is fun to find things for people and give it to them. I enjoy it, especially when you know they will like what you bought them, but it can be frustrating when you have no clue what to buy.

Anonymous said...

Happy Presents Day! :D We had fun. It's the experiences and little moments that matter this time (or anytime!) of the year. ^^

Wabi sabi. Wabi sabi!

Handsome B. Wonderful said...

It's amazing how fast stuff piles up. It's like over night a bunch of junk piles up in one's house.

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