Monday, December 05, 2005

thecallowqueen in slate

Breathe, girl. Remember to breathe.

I was checking to see the pages people came from to get to my blog this past week. Ten of them had come from the same place and it wasn't from a friend's blog. (Thanks to my friends, by the way, for providing those useful links!)

So, I went to this site that had funneled potential new readers my way. My jaw dropped. One of my comments from my last "news bites" post was used in Slate's "Today's Blogs" for Dec. 1.

It's not a big mention, and it's toward the end. But, oh my, I can't believe it. I felt famous for a good minute on this one.

You can read the article and search for theCallowQueen here.

Addendum: theCallowQueen also found that Newsweek used an excerpt from a past "news bite" commenting on it's article about "The best 100 schools in America." You can see the mention here. And here's the original post.


Sideways Chica said...

Congratulations! I would be breathless also...

Ciao for now,


Kat said...

That kicks so much butt!! I must say, you *should* be excited!

Anonymous said...

Very cool!

*envies ;)*

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