Wednesday, January 05, 2005


My Angel Petite Fittonia hangs limp over the edge of its pot. I don't think it will recover from my week of inattention. The cuttings I took from it a month or so ago look to be in good form though, so perhaps I'll be able to repopulate it.

That plant requires too much from me. I water it. I even spritz it with water from a spray bottle. I leave my cubicle for the weekend and return to find the plant deflated, leaves hanging. My other cubilce plants can be left alone for days and still hold themselves together. Okay, a week away from work was a bit long, but did it have to just give up and die like that?


MooCow said...

I got a banana tree cutting about a month ago from a friend of mine that isn't doing all that well. And by "all that well" I mean barely hanging on, leaves turning brown, just scraggly looking thing.

I think this is just a sign that I'm not supposed to own plants.

If you spend more time with your plants than your significant other, maybe it's time to get some lower maintenance plants.

theCallowQueen said...

Now that the high maintenance plant is out of my life, I may have time for a significant other. My plant trained me to bring it water every day, even sharing the water from my own cup. With no plant to feed, I have a half a cup left. Any takers?

A banana tree sounds like a tricky thing to grow—especially in Minneapolis. Three years ago, a dear friend gave me a bamboo plant with 21 stalks. Today, I have eight. A stalk will be all nice an green one day and then this yellow color begins to creep up it and it gets all soft and mushy.

I have these great philodendra that refuse to die. They just keep growing and filling their pots and creating these long vines. Every so often I cut off a vine and start a new plant. They grow great in water. They grow great in dirt. They survive like weeds and look good doing it. Anyone can keep a philodendron.

MooCow said...

I just got done reading "The Orchid Thief" for the book club at work and I was all set to go out and buy some orchids until I looked over at a few now empty pots that I have sitting by the window and decided that maybe it wasn't such a good idea.

Philodendra sound intruiging though.

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