Thursday, January 20, 2005

word of the day: pangram

pangram n. A sentence tha uses all the letters of the alphabet.
An example of a pangram is, the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

"Perfect" pangrams (just 26 letters, no waste here):
Mr. Jock, TV quiz PhD, bags few lynx.
Cwm fjord-bank glyphs vext quiz.
Blowzy night-frumps vex'd Jack Q.
Squdgy fez, blank jimp crwth vox!
TV quiz drag nymphs blew JFK cox.
Q-kelt vug dwarf combs jynx phiz.

No point, just avoiding my work.


Anonymous said...

How in the frell do you have all that Outlaw Star humour memorized?!!

theCallowQueen said...

LizaLou, you know I'm horrible at memorizing the lines from shows. That and I've only watched Outlaw Star once, and that was three years ago. But I'm an ace at Google searches! I love Google.

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