Monday, September 19, 2005

in the ghetto

Did you know that I lived in the ghetto of Johnson County? First of all, the idea of there being a bad part of town in white, middle-class, snotty Johnson County is a bit funny. Second, I think I live in a great area. I've got good highway access. I live next to a beautiful park. It's just a short hop to the Plaza. And the rent's cheap.

My roomie and I were out at dinner recently with friends when the topic of where we'd like to live came up. I'd love to consider remaining in Merriam and finding a house here. My friend said Merriam was her second-to-least favorite city in Johnson County. Apparently, Merriam is JoCo's slums. This made my roomie and I laugh. We grew up in Wyandotte County, and to us Merriam seems upscale.

My roomie mentioned this to her sister who now lives near the Shawnee/Lenexa boarder, and her sister admitted that her husband didn't like for her to be in Merriam after dark. And these aren't the only two references I've heard recently about Merriam being JoCo's slum.

It's just funny. My roommate and I think we're moving up and we move from one avoided place to another. I guess it's not that much of a surprise. My roomie and I see more to Wyandotte than poverty and crime. I actually saw little crime or violence growing up there. So, it makes sense that we don't see the faults in Merriam that others in Johnson County see. As for crime, someone egged my brand new car at 99th and Glenwood. Overland Park better watch out or it could be the next Merriam.


Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! Jake and were talking yesterday about how Merriam is the Wyandotte of JoCo (I can't remember why.) There are bars in Merriam that make me nervous and bars in Olathe that make me nervous, but none in Overland Park (unless I'm scared a grown-up frat boy will throw his flip-flop at me!) Although I suppose there was a shooting in Lenexa recently...

I'm a big Lenexa/Shawnee fan because I'm not classy enough for Overland Park (don't let my current address fool you.)--at

Anonymous said...

Meh. You brought it up again. Few places are as bad as a person's prejudice tells you. Especially when you realize that this whole freakin' area is a nice place to live.

The crime is just escalating 'cause more people are comin' in. *Meh*

YellowDancer21 said...

I think some parts of Merriam are more slummish than others. Your apartment isn't in the area that seems more slummy. Let's see... how many ways can I modify the word slum?

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