Wednesday, December 14, 2005

word of the day: sneakernetting

sneakernetting, verb. The act of updating or transferring content on a non-networked or offline machine by physical visits rater than remotely.

Example: Since I don't have access to the Internet at home, I've been sneakernetting my photos to my computer at work to upload them on the Internet.

Caveat: This is a made-up definition by theCallowQueen. The term sneaker-netting popped up in one of the articles I'm editing. I tried to search on the Web to figure out just what the heck it was and if that hyphen was needed. I'm still cloudy on both counts.


Anonymous said...

Your made-up definition sounds pretty dead on to me; although I've never heard someone put the "ting" at the end of it. I've always just heard "sneakernet".

Unknown said...

I have always heard it from pre network days and as the programmers would publish an application change, the change would be published via floppies and sneakernet to each machine that the application needed to be updated on.

theCallowQueen said...

Hey, Daniel, the G-man thinks your blog looks cool. Thought I'd pass along the compliment. I think it's super groovy, too.

kcprogrammer, your sentence uses sneakernet much more naturally than mine. It almost sounds like you've actually used the word before. ;)

Sideways Chica said...

I have never heard this term before...but it sounds spot on to me.



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