Friday, June 03, 2005

asleep or awake?

I was asleep but my alarm began going off at 6:50 a.m.
I was awake but hit the snooze once, twice, three times.
I was asleep but I would be late if I didn't get out of bed before the fourth alarm.
I was awake but I lay down on the couch while I watched the weather forecast.

Forecast: rain, and not cheerful spring rain, but dreary stormy rain.

I wanted to wear my pjs to work. I wanted to not go to work.
I comforted myself with the fact that today was my first Friday with summer hours and I finish work by 1 p.m.
I still wanted to go back to bed.

Sitting at my desk, my mind drifts, as obvious by this post.
Sitting at my desk, my eyelids feel full of lead pulling them down, down.
Sitting at my desk, I confuse my manuscripts, wait, what was I working on?
Sitting at my desk, I think of going home, going to my bed, going to sleep.

If I get to leave work at 1 p.m., do I still get a lunch break? And if I leave for lunch at noon, would I have to come back at 1 p.m. just to leave again?


YellowDancer21 said...

I have no sympathy, Miss Summer Hours. :p Some of still have to work a full day (and probably then some without overtime) no matter what season it is.

Actually, I like the rain though. It's peaceful and I like the fact that it's stormy. Oh yeah, I loves me a good storm. It certainly kicks yesterday's dreary, heavy, thick, humid weather in the ass.

theCallowQueen said...

Ooh, ooh, and because we got the issue to the printer on time and the printer sent out the magazine on schedule, I get an extra day off this month. :)

I usually like rain, too. That morning seemed dreary and blah to me.

YellowDancer21 said...

Yeah, well it was a friday and we were all definitely ready for the weekend by then. I know I was. I'm ready for the weekend again already.

Oh, and I hate you. No days off for me....

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