Thursday, June 09, 2005

regular schedules

You know how women who live in close quarters often develop the same menstrual cycle? Well I'm wondering if there's such a thing as a pee cycle. There are two women on this floor who seem to have the need to urinate at nearly the same times as I do. It's very weird. Maybe I should cut back on my water intake.


gabrielle marcus said...

I think it's hilarious. You visited my blog, and I wanted to thank you and visit yours! I love the kind of things you record! But I have not read enough to learn what your job is--editing of some kind, I see... From Kashmir the connection's so slow I can only read so much, but I do hope to catch up! Take care, Gabi

theCallowQueen said...

The menstruating thing? Oh, it's one of those things I've picked up in several places. But I verified it on WebMD, which confirmed that "two women living together will often synchronize cycles."

theCallowQueen said...

Hi Gabi, I'm glad you've enjoyed reading my blog. Yes, I am an editor, a magazine editor, though my skills don't always show themselves on these Web pages.

I love reading about your journeys. You provide such great detail. I encourage everyone to check out your blog, chartandwaters. I've added it to my list of links at the left.

theCallowQueen said...

Oh, because we're in the ladies' room at the same times throughout the day.

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