Wednesday, June 22, 2005

one of the matts

An old high school friend just sent me an e-mail. A hi-how-have-you-been after more than two years. There are these phases in my life when certain guys hold similarities with each other. This guy was in the Matt Phase. (Who can guess the similarity he shared with the other guys in the phase? Hmm. Anyone?) And to distinguish him from the other guys in his grouping, he was High School Matt. (Ah, I see the light of recognition dawning on some of your faces.)

Nothing deep to reveal here. Just an unexpected link to the past for me today. A link that had me writing a general sum of the last two years of my life. How does one sum up such an expanse of time? What level of detail does one include? It's must be more specific than an obituary but more general than a diary entry. And this is assuming that I remember all of the key points in my life. I don't. Maybe I should have just provided a link to this blog.

Anyway, I provided a probably overly long response, to which he supplied an equally long missive. Brevity was never a strong suit for either of us. (I can be succinct in my editing and writing, but it’s a challenge made harder the closer the material is to home. All that means is I can be brief about the weather forecast or the latest news bite, but ask me about my newest shoe purchase, and I’ll provide a novel.) In this case, I’m glad he was equally lacking in brevity.


YellowDancer21 said...

It's always strange but exciting to make contact with someone from your past. I ran into someone I knew from high school a couple weeks ago at church, and experienced a similar regurgitation of several years of life. It's an interesting challenge to weed through all the boringness of your life to find the highlights to share—especially when you have the level of boringness I have.

Anonymous said...

How considerate of him to make contact with you... *is curious about him now*

I received an email from a high school friend (like the only one I have left) actually asking to have dinner instead of a simple hello. This should be nice ^^.

theCallowQueen said...

Yeah, we actually ended up having lunch on Saturday. It was good to see him again and catch up. He's gone back to school. (He's working as a tutor between his masters and Ph.D. studies.

Big-Bold-D's comment: I thought we'd gotten rid of him.

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