Wednesday, October 26, 2005

family stuff

My maternal grandmother just moved into a retirement community. I spent the weekend helping my grandma, aunt and mom pack up Grandma's things. (I spent five minutes arguing with her about why she needn't keep What Color is My Parachute 1986.) I wasn't able to help out on Monday--the day the moving trucks came. But I went over to the new place after work yesterday. Grandma was beaming. I don't remember the last time I so her so happy. It may have been at her and Grandpa's 50th wedding anniversary, but even then she had the stress and worry of Grandpa being sick.

Now, in this new place, she can be nearly stress free for a time. Dealing with all the stuff left behind at the old house can come later. She showed me every drawer and cabinet in the kitchen. She explained the placement of every piece of furniture. She talked about plans for arrange pictures. And she said she wished Grandpa could see it. He does, my aunt told her. And he's happy to see her happy.

Anyway, I'll probably head over there after work today to help with more unpacking. I want to give Grandma as much support as I can. This process has been so terribly hard for her. It's also motivated me to start going though and purging my belongings. Use it or lose it.

I told Mom that I was not going through this process with her. She'll either need to be very receptive to getting rid of stuff, or I'll send her away for a day and she'll come home to a near-empty house. I see so much of Grandma's hoarding tendency in Mom and me. This could be me, my stuff, my life. It really sank in this weekend.


YellowDancer21 said...

But I like all my stuff. That's why I keep it. ;)

I have this problem as well. Every once in awhile I try to go through my stuff and get rid of things, but it's one of the most exhausting things you'll ever do. I don't know why, but it is.

Anonymous said...

How nice that your grandmother is so happy. It must be a bit of a relief too to live some place nice and shiney with people around and no big house to clean and worry about.

On hoarding, I am terrible! I have multiple boxes that have never been unpacked after not 1 but 2 moves! I fully intend to go through them and my closet in the near future.

Anonymous said...

The last post was me...I forgot to sign it:)--at

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